Senioritis Sound Designer Post-Production Journal


During the Post-Production process as a sound designer, I mostly helped edit the audio clips to send to the editor so that they could insert it into the film. I got rid of certain sound clips that weren’t needed, such as the extra options for the principal speech.

Sound Design Effectiveness

I think that the sound design inserted into the film was pretty effective. Artistically, it was effective in my goal to try something new by using off screen diegetic sound through the clapping. Technically, it was effective to use the technique of ADR to enhance the sound quality, as well as add more sounds to the overall film.

Working with the Editor

I gave the editor multiple versions of the sound of clapping, and then told him to play them all at once to create the effect of it sounding like an applause.

How I Could Have Improved The Film

To improve the film, I definitely could’ve rerecorded more audio to replace the original audio. I think that if everything was ADR, the whole film would sound a lot crispier and just simply be better.

What I Learned

During this film session, the biggest thing I learned was to not let stuff outside of film affect the film. My whole team was IB testing and that caused a lot of pointless talking and stress during the film production cycle. I honestly see this film as a failure and one that I am not proud of, and that could be fixed if more time and attention was spent on the film and not worrying about other tests.

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