Day in My Life Documentary



Color Palette

Pie Chart


My birthday started the night before, on May 29th at around 9:00 pm. I went to a friend’s house where we played basketball, watched tv, played just dance, and just chilled for around 2.5 hours. After that, we went to the store to get supplies for my “birthday cake” and started the celebration at exactly midnight, which lasted for an hour for a total of 1.5 hours. This means that 4 hours, or 16.67% of my day went to hanging out with friends. After the celebration, I went to sleep from 1:00 to 7:00 am, for a total of 6 hours, or 25% of my day. The next day consisted of me getting ready for/going to school for 6 hours, 25%, with a 30 minute lunch in the middle. I also took an hour before school commuting around to both my school, and my sisters’ school. After school, I had to commute to my recruiter’s office which took 30 minutes there, and 30 minutes back. The meeting itself lasted 1.00 hours, or 4.17%. I also had to commute to my birthday dinner which was another 30 minutes to and 30 minutes back, for a total of 3.00 hours of commuting, or 12.5%. The dinner lasted about 1.50 hours, and when we got home we had a 30 minute dessert celeration for a total of 2.50 hours spent eating, or 10.41%. After this, I just watched tv with my family for another 1.50 hours, 6.25%, to conclude my 24 hour time period.

Audio Editing


Video Editing

The Documentary

What I Learned & Problems I Solved

The biggest thing I learned to do was operate Adobe Illustrator. It was a very foreign application to me at first, but watching the videos provided helped me solve the problem, to create the final product.

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